19 security solutions that will keep absolutely nothing and no one safe

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 07, 2018

19 security solutions that will keep absolutely nothing and no one safe

Each of us wants to feel safe, for this reason, we adopt different security systems every day. We lock the door of our house or apartment with a key, lock the car with another one, we use a PIN to unlock our smartphone and type in a code to use a credit card. 

For every object, we care about and we do not want to be stolen, we can adopt a system of protection, but the important thing is to use it in the correct way, otherwise, it will prove completely useless, as can be seen in the following situations.

The "WARNING Security Dog" sign does not send any warning at all if there is a sheep behind the fence!

The "WARNING Security Dog" sign does not send any warning at all if there is a sheep behind the fence!



For those who still have not memorized it, the secret code is written on the door (and on the door handle).

For those who still have not memorized it, the secret code is written on the door (and on the door handle).

canab / reddit

A mother installed this lock on a drawer but did not realize that it was still accessible ...

A mother installed this lock on a drawer but did not realize that it was still accessible ...

techbuzz / reddit

If you have to lock your bike to keep it from being stolen, choose a fixed structure and not a movable publicity board!

If you have to lock your bike to keep it from being stolen, choose a fixed structure and not a movable publicity board!

loosechalk / imgur

No one will break into your home if you have a security system like this (an armed Roomba robot vacuum cleaner?).

No one will break into your home if you have a security system like this (an armed Roomba robot vacuum cleaner?).

9Fingers / imgur


You will never forget your locker combination, that's for sure!

You will never forget your locker combination, that's for sure!

PeacefullyInsane / reddit

All your goods are safe. NOT.

All your goods are safe. NOT.

CrazyEyedRelic / imgur


It would be a good idea to install a bar at the entry and exit points to limit car access.

It would be a good idea to install a bar at the entry and exit points to limit car access.

GuacamoleFanatic / reddit

Once the gate is closed, no one will be allowed to enter!

Once the gate is closed, no one will be allowed to enter!

DaFunOne / imgur


Door entry code C489.

Door entry code C489.

gorbok / reddit

You never know what goes on in people's heads!

You never know what goes on in people's heads!

Broon45 / reddit


"Electrified fence" --- Yeah, right! ...

"Electrified fence" --- Yeah, right! ...

CaptainPawfulFox / imgur

When you do not trust technology ...

When you do not trust technology ...

unknown / imgur


... And when we talk about security, we do not mean this!

... And when we talk about security, we do not mean this!

ShaggyUK / imgur

... and definitely not this!

... and definitely not this!

unknown / reddit


A warrior future is growing here ... if the child lives long enough!

A warrior future is growing here ... if the child lives long enough!

lejins / imgur

Parking only allowed for flying cars.

Parking only allowed for flying cars.

lejins / imgur

Safety first of all!

Safety first of all!

Forlurn / reddit

Whoever has parked this bike seriously risks having to walk home!


A word to the wise! Take a look at your own security measures and make sure that you are using them correctly so that they can be truly effective!
