21 family members who have demonstrated an incomparable sense of humor

In life, you know, everything is easier if it is undertaken with a pinch of irony and sense of humor. And family life is no exception!
Dinners with relatives, quarrels between siblings, and the normal disputes between parents ... everything becomes more bearable if you face it with a smile on your lips.
In this photo gallery, you can see some examples of everyday situations that have become epic thanks to someone with a strong propensity to play practical jokes.
1. The first day of school for his little son --- dad took it well.

2. My mother prepared me a sandwich, but my brother found it before me!

"Matt, I made you a sandwich (turn the note over) -- You were adopted."
3. The very nice idea of a mother to hang in the laundry room (I'm clean, single, and I'm looking for a partner).

4. A Christmas gift from one brother to the other ...

5. A girl, her boyfriend, and her father, on the night of the school prom!

6. Husband and wife never agree on how to decorate the Christmas tree. Here is the result.

7. Everyone deserves a lovely photo for their birthday.

8. This child does not know that his father has spent hours and hours playing video games!

9. He sends his mother a life-size cardboard photo of himself while he is away from home studying at the university. She certainly seems to have a lot of fun with him!

10. He asked his mother to create a bookmark for him. Here it is (yes, the person in the picture is his mother).

11. When mom instructs her son to be responsible for making the Thanksgiving dinner centerpiece ...

12. No one leaves the house without Dad's approval!

13. The perfect shot comes from a grandmother who tries to keep her cat away from the tomatoes!

14. A child leaves his stuffed toy on his grandfather's farm. And the grandfather enjoys sending his grandson captured images to create a photo-story ...

15. Her brother, dressed as Flash Gordon, wanted at all costs to create the perfect picture!

16. His mother was worried that he would end up in unsafe neighborhoods, and he sent her this picture!

17. A child was crying loudly in front of Santa Claus, so everyone joined in!

18. A young man returns from the military ... and his friend waits for him like this:

"Welcome home, Joe! You still owe me five dollars!"
19. A boy returns to his family home for the weekend and his mother prepares his bed for him. He is almost thirty years old.

20. Christmas cards: "Excited (Happy)" - "Engaged" - "Expecting (With child)" - "Emily"

21. It's never too early to teach a child traffic rules!
