Genius at work --- 24 creative and effective solutions from which to take inspiration

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 22, 2018

Genius at work --- 24 creative and effective solutions from which to take inspiration

The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer used to say: "Every child is to some extent a genius, just as a genius in some ways is a child."

One of the characteristics of bright people is that of being able to think in a transversal way, like children --- freeing their mind from preconceived structures and seeing creative solutions where others see only unsolvable problems.

But to define yourself a genius, you do not necessarily have to be a mathematician or an astronaut! Even in everyday life, it is possible to try to find small or big solutions that combine simplicity with functionality, namely, those solutions that we usually define, in fact, as brilliant.

Here are some really unusual solutions that we have found here and there on the Internet!

1. Is your house without electricity? Here's how to recharge your smartphone!

1. Is your house without electricity? Here's how to recharge your smartphone!

BowtieBoy / reddit


2. An iPad stand? Easy to create it with an egg carton!

2. An iPad stand? Easy to create it with an egg carton!

AlohaLawncare / reddit

3. On this Canadian bus, the button to book a stop was broken, so they used an emergency device ...

3. On this Canadian bus, the button to book a stop was broken, so they used an emergency device ...

ArkadiusBear / reddit

4. I see this as being very daring ... Let's hope they arrive safe and sound!

4. I see this as being very daring ... Let's hope they arrive safe and sound!

mitekdima / pikabu

5. How to make the holes in the right place? Print a copy of the electrical multi-socket plug! Genius!

5. How to make the holes in the right place? Print a copy of the electrical multi-socket plug! Genius!

An1onn / imgur


6. An original method to keep pets away from Christmas tree decorations. They hate vacuum cleaners!

6. An original method to keep pets away from Christmas tree decorations. They hate vacuum cleaners!

graysonbc / reddit

7. The drain pipe was broken and although the solution is not exactly beautiful ... it works!

7. The drain pipe was broken and although the solution is not exactly beautiful ... it works!

DaFunOne / imgur


8. Do-it-yourself floor cleaners

8. Do-it-yourself floor cleaners

An1onn / imgur

9. Those who are always late invariably find brilliant solutions ...

9. Those who are always late invariably find brilliant solutions ...

Sarah Hubler-Gutierrez / facebook


10. A shower curtain ring broke, and he solved the problem!

10. A shower curtain ring broke, and he solved the problem!

AaronTiberius / reddit

11. Lacking headphones, a doctor listens to music by placing a stethoscope on the speakers ...

11. Lacking headphones, a doctor listens to music by placing a stethoscope on the speakers ...

ruizomi / tumblr


12. It looks like a crazy idea but ... the result is great!

12. It looks like a crazy idea but ... the result is great!

XiKiilzziX / reddit

13. During family dinners with lots of relatives, a mother continued to lose her child ... so she found a way to find him on the fly!

13. During family dinners with lots of relatives, a mother continued to lose her child ... so she found a way to find him on the fly!

mynickname86 / reddit


14. A brilliant way to go shopping

14. A brilliant way to go shopping

branig / imgur

15. Playing videogames while waiting for the bus on a rainy day? Mission accomplished!

15. Playing videogames while waiting for the bus on a rainy day? Mission accomplished!

WalterEscobar / reddit


16. Not really its original purpose but ... It works perfectly

16. Not really its original purpose but ... It works perfectly

sapphire_s15 / instagram

17. Very simple --- and very intelligent!

17. Very simple --- and very intelligent!

brownmanjones09 / reddit

18. When you have no pointed instrument, but you have a cat!

18. When you have no pointed instrument, but you have a cat!

AndryMannn / twitter

19. Protect yourself from the sun, at all costs ...

19. Protect yourself from the sun, at all costs ...

An1onn / imgur

20. The cable kept detaching itself, so ...

20. The cable kept detaching itself, so ...

randomusefulbits / reddit

21. We can all understand this very well ... Great idea!

21. We can all understand this very well ... Great idea!

GuacamoleFanatic / reddit

22. The latest generation of car accessories

22. The latest generation of car accessories

DaFunOne / imgur

23. He did not want to give up on creating an impeccable look ...

23. He did not want to give up on creating an impeccable look ...

balleblaahval / imgur

24. Why buy a hedge trimmer when you can lift the lawn mower up?

24. Why buy a hedge trimmer when you can lift the lawn mower up?

Britiney Onyschuk / facebook
