10 photos of goats that do not care about the force of gravity

The animals that belong to the genus of goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) are extremely intelligent and easily adaptable to any type of environment. Together with sheep, they were the first to be tamed by human beings, and even today they are a source of irreplaceable livelihood and companionship for humans.
When goats appeared in Eurasia, around 15 million years ago, they found the plains already occupied by deer (cervids). So they specialized quickly to live between valleys and mountains. This explains why there is a great variety of goats in Europe and Asia, and there are very few in Africa where mountains do not abound.

Goats are ungulates, animals that rest their body weight on their toes, whose nails have turned into hooves. Their short and sturdy physical form allows excellent resistance to harsh climates. The structure of their hooves, on the other hand, allows an extraordinary ability to completely control movements on almost vertical rocky walls.


Usually, these herbivores climb on the rocks for two reasons --- to escape predators, who rarely risk climbing such dangerous places or to lick the precious salt minerals of which mountain rocks are rich.
Many species of goats live on walls so inaccessible that their main predators are not mammals, but birds of prey.


As demonstrated by a study conducted at Queen Mary University in London, goats are also very intelligent animals; they know how to solve complex problems and remember their experiences even after 10 months.

A distinctive feature of these animals is represented by their horns, of which there is a great variety! Goat horns range from arched to spiral and some goat breeds do not have any at all. The primacy of greatness belongs to the Markhor breed (with spiral horns) that reach 4.5 -5.5 feet in length (140-165 cm).


The speed with which these animals learn new skills may have been the key to their development and their diffusion in many areas of the earth.


In addition to being intelligent and stubborn, goats seem very contemptuous of danger! In the following video, you can see some Alpine ibex goats climbing on the Cingino dam, in northern Italy, suspended almost 164 feet (50 meters) above the ground to lick the rock salt present in the masonry dam walls.