14 anecdotes to remind us that the world is full of love and altruism

From the moment that social networks started monopolizing our world, too many people have found themselves living a double existence --- the real one, made of personal battles and natural defeats and victories, and the "online" one, often patinated and fictional.
Also on the altruistic front, this dichotomy is plain to see! In fact, how many times have you wondered if the people who support humanitarian causes online are really altruistic in their everyday life?
In this regard, we have assembled a photo gallery to remind us that true generosity is created with the small gestures of everyday kindness.
A neighbor in need, the homeless man on the street corner, the elderly woman at the bus stop --- every person around us can be the means by which we spread altruism and kindness ... and in this way, we can truly contribute to making the world a better place.
1. A gesture of kindness during a rainstorm in China

2. A photo taken in New York in 1925 shows an agent blocking the traffic to let a mother cat and her kitten cross the street.
3. During a flood in Serbian, a very young boy rescues his puppy and brings it to safety.
4. This picture has become a symbol of sharing and altruism in difficult situations.

5. An American soldier gives water to a Japanese girl found in a cave (Okinawa 1945).
6. A fireman awakens a mother cat with oxygen under the gaze of her little kitten.
7. Imagine if there were no children to teach us altruism ...

8. Soldiers on opposite sides help each other during the Second World War.
9. These children became friends after five minutes --- we should learn from them!