17 precious tricks that will simplify life for all parents!

Without a doubt, compared to a few decades ago, the life of most parents has been greatly simplified by technology.
However, having the latest generation of technological tools is not enough. In fact, parents must never stop being creative in order to cope with the many daily difficulties involved in raising a child.
In this article, you will find some tricks invented by parents, which will allow you too, as a parent, to live more pleasantly your moments of play and interaction with your children.
1. To allow water to slide down and away from toothbrushes, and avoid stagnation, keep them vertical using clothespins.
2. If your child likes to write on the wall, here is a way to let him/her do it safely!
3. Use a paper muffin cup to prevent pop cycles and ice cream from dripping down on fingers and hands.
4. When dolls have broken eyes they can be repaired with glue.
5. Build a race track for miniature auto racing with colored adhesive tape.
6. With the help of a plastic container, you can create snow bricks.
7. Attach a coat hanger just above the floor baseboard to keep shoes in order.
8. You can make ice packs by simply freezing wet sponges. Then, it will not be so great a sin if you happen to lose them!
9. Wrap one hand with adhesive tape to collect small particles or objects, such as glitter and sequins.
10. Place a piece of tape on a toy speaker to reduce the volume.
11. Do you know that you can easily clean and sanitize toys by placing them in the dishwasher?
12. You can keep leftover cake longer just by fixing slices of bread with toothpicks at the cut ends of the cake. The slices of bread will dry up, and not the cake!
13. By fixing pieces of swimming pool hose pipe to door jambs, you will prevent doors from slamming or that children get their fingers smashed.
14. Here is how hanging a transparent plastic pocket organizer on a door can be useful.
15. How to teach a child how to distinguish the right foot from the left one.
16. If your child likes to paint, cover his/her shirt with some adhesive film to prevent it from getting stained!
17. Attach a hook on the back of your baby's high chair to keep placemats and bibs both handy and tidy.