15 terrifying drawings of students that made teachers shudder

Anyone who has dealt with children knows it well, that the minds of children are like a sponge that absorbs any kind of stimulus from the surrounding environment.
A film seen by mistake on TV, a story overheard between a parent and a neighbor during a coffee break or even a simple billboard advertising message, can be confusing and generate surreal fantasies, worthy of the best horror screenwriter.
We have collected for you 15 terrifying or disturbing drawings made at school by children and shared online by their parents or teachers.
1. "These people live in my house" ... Very comforting

2. Drawing of a 6-year-old girl: "This is going to happen to you."

3. "What will you be doing when you are 100 years old?" - 'I will be breaking out of my grave!"

4. "Daddy and I as we dance on Mom's grave."

5. A very sweet portrait

6. "Mom will be so proud that I got Timy to sleep."

7. "Cannibalistic Hill"

8. Dark and evil figures surrounded by an incomprehensible language ...

9. "Dear Valerie, get out of my life."

10. Nothing to worry about, only the Hulk killing the Kardashians!

11. For children, it is important to create close friendships

12. How do you see the future?

13. This little girl has drawn an image of herself as she offers her little brother to a strange alien cloaked in light.

14. A little girl has designed herself and her friend (imaginary, hopefully)

15. "How are you doing down there in hell?"
