When children make fools of their parents, they show these six behaviors --- Here is what to do!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 12, 2018

When children make fools of their parents, they show these six behaviors --- Here is what to do!

There are parents who end up capitulating too much to their children! Let's not forget that children are young individuals that have practically everything to learn, and helping them in an excessive way is not going to encourage them to develop a certain autonomy.

Indeed, to the contrary, it could create a situation in which they lack a figure to follow, someone with whom to confront themselves and even, why not, to clash with.

These same parents often end up incorrectly evaluating certain behaviors of their children, justifying them and not considering them as seriously as they should.

Nevertheless, one cannot blame those who assume such an attitude with their children, because there may be more or less valid reasons that could explain such leniency.

However, it is also good to be able to recognize all those situations in which children have obtained too much clemency from their parents, with the risk of becoming badly educated adults. 

Here are six behaviors that indicate that your child is not behaving well. 

Does not help with the household chores.

Does not help with the household chores.

When a child grows up in an environment where it is always one person and only that person who takes care of the house, the child gets the idea that it is not up to him or her to help with these things. At the same time, it is wrong, to impose as a punishment cleaning their room or taking care of the common areas of the house. 

The ideal situation is to accustom the child from their first years of life to become familiar with some domestic chores, obviously presenting them first as a game, then as a matter of responsibility for all those who live in the house.


Frequently pouts

Frequently pouts

When a child gets angry often it is because, perhaps, he or she cannot get what they want easily. This is because he or she has not been used to waiting patiently to get something or doing something to deserve a reward. Furthermore, it may have happened earlier, that the parents fulfilled some of their child's wishes when he or she pouted. Unfortunately, all this does is lead the child to connect the fact of being angry with the satisfaction of getting what they desired. 

Children should be educated to be patient (of course, if parents tell their child to wait a certain time, expired that time they must keep their promise, so as to build a sense of trust), to do something good to deserve a reward (for example doing some domestic chores) and also to accept not getting something for a valid reason (for example for the impossibility of buying a toy that is too expensive).

Embarrasses their parents in public.

Embarrasses their parents in public.

When a child is not restrained by the presence of other people from throwing a temper tantrum, it is because the child closes himself or herself in a whirlwind of irrationality that makes them want only to get what they desire, ignoring even the fear of a reaction from his parents or making a bad impression in front of strangers. 

To avoid all this, perhaps we should learn something from the Japanese educational system. In fact, from an early age, Japanese children are educated to always take into account the presence of other people. When they are away from home they adopt a calm behavior and wait until they get back home to have a discourse with their parents.

They must be implored to behave well.

They must be implored to behave well.

If it has happened that you have had to beg your child to behave well, then the time has come to review the education so far imparted to him or her. Adopting appropriate behavior should arise spontaneously in a child and should not be in any way requested submissively by a parent! Scolding a child sometimes is normal but begging a child is not.

They turn their parents into their servants.

They turn their parents into their servants.

Do you feel as if you are being subjugated by your child, who displays aggressive behavior in order to obtain what he or she wants? Evidently, the child has never perceived you to be an authority figure. This situation often occurs in those families in which the parents contradict each other when it comes to making a decision regarding their children or the home in general, and each claims their authoritative role. 

If also in your family a similar situation occurs, take care to avoid contradictions in the presence of your children. Try to find a common agreement with the other parent and postpone any discussions to a later time.


They are never satisfied.

They are never satisfied.

When a child is spoiled by his or her parents, receiving everything they want, he or she ends up finding no satisfaction in whatever is being done for them. This is because in his or her mind they create high expectations that very rarely correspond to something actually achievable. Children need to see some of their innumerable requests not satisfied (obviously when there is a valid motive) because in this way they will learn to give the right value to what is done for them.
