He tortured his dog to death and the judges inflicted an unprecedented penalty that will go down in history!

Stories about abuse and violence perpetrated on animals are heard every day and unfortunately, only a few people are able to do something to try to make sure that these incidents never happen again.
Many times the punishment inflicted on those who mistreat animals is inadequate, often exclusively pecuniary. This is not enough to prevent these evil people from returning to doing harmful things to animals, in fact, most of the time it is useless.
However, the story of Puppy Doe and her tormentor has managed to change something, at least in Massachusetts.
The story of Puppy Doe, a female Pit Bull puppy, begins in the summer of 2013.

ARL Boston
Her owner, Radoslaw Czerkawski, bought her by responding to an announcement on the Internet. The little dog was just under a year old, but this did not stop the violence that this man immediately inflicted on her.
After having subjected her to the most terrible violence, this man abandoned the Pit Bull and she was found lying on the ground with her skull, spine, and ribs broken, her tongue cut off, and a swollen eye.

Facebook/Justice for “Puppy Doe
The conditions of the little puppy were so serious that, unfortunately, the veterinarians who assisted her had to put her to sleep, so as not to subject her to further unnecessary pain.
The man who mistreated her was punished five years after the abandonment, but at least he received an unprecedented penalty.

Facebook/Justice for “Puppy Doe
Mr. Czerkawski was sentenced to 8-10 years in prison, with an absolute prohibited from owning or coming in contact with animals. Furthermore, after serving his sentence, the man will be extradited to Poland, his country of origin.
The case of Puppy Doe has been taken to heart by the common people and also by the animal activists in the state of Massachusetts (USA) who in Puppy Doe's name fight so that the judges are harder on those who mistreat animals. The same court said that the measure taken against Mr. Czerkawski is "historical". The court also declared that "Today was a historic day for animal welfare in Massachusetts, with the condemnation of Radoslaw Czerkawski, it has been shown that people who commit cruelty to animals, and in this case extreme cruelty, will be properly punished."
In fact, Puppy Doe did not die in vain because since that terrible event, many things have changed in the United States, and we hope that the same changes will happen elsewhere around the world.
- http://boston.cbslocal.com/2013/09/21/arl-offers-5000-reward-in-puppy-doe-torture-case/
- http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/man-sentenced-puppy-doe-animal-cruelty-case-54048907