A mother surprises her son kneeling at the supermarket and his gesture moves an entire nation

In July 2017, a photo on Facebook suddenly went viral because it portrayed a young boy kneeling and praying in a Walmart store, a well-known supermarket chain in the United States.
The photo was taken by his mother and when she posted it on the social network and told the story behind it, the story immediately attracted the attention of many users and was shared over 115,000 times.

The name of the child and his mother was not posted, but it all started when the two went to the Walmart supermarket in the summer of 2017. In fact, the woman, no longer finding her son with her, started looking around and she found him kneeling underneath a bulletin board.
"I had to go to the supermarket and then I suddenly realized that my son was no longer next to me"' said the woman when interviewed by the newspapers.

When she finally found her son, she saw that he was kneeling and that he was praying. At first, she did not understand why he was doing this, but then she looked up and understood the situation.
Imagine her surprise when she realized that her son was saying a prayer under a bulletin board dedicated to missing children.

The woman subsequently posted the captured image of her son on their social network accounts, but it was on Facebook that the story became very popular. The simple but powerful image of that young boy has touched and moved many throughout the country, to the point that the photo has been shared more than a hundred thousand times.
The story has also been taken up by numerous social network pages dedicated to missing children. In addition, the cousin of one of the missing children on the bulletin board saw the photo and has posted a moving message of thanks.

Distinguished by the word "Missing" these bulletin boards are very popular in the United States. Each year there are more than 800 thousand children reported missing in the United States, according to data released by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
"It does not matter if you believe in God or not," wrote the man. And he added: "In the picture, there is a child who prays thinking of those less fortunate than him, everyone should follow his example".