Here is the curious Oomba Loomba method that makes babies fall asleep in an instant!

There are parents who have tried everything to get their children to fall asleep!
Walking back and forth, here and there all around their house, putting the child next to the washing machine in the centrifuge stage, taking them outside for walks, loading them into the car and taking them for a ride in the city.
Tucking children in for bed, you know, is not a simple matter, but sometimes when parents succeed they are rewarded with a few moments of tranquility.
However, there is a technique called "Oomba Loomba" that promises miracles and seems very effective for making babies fall asleep almost instantly. Here's how it works.

The method itself is very simple and consists of rocking the baby to the left and right, but at the same time holding the baby's head between your hands. While doing this we must repeat rhythmically, as a lullaby, the following song: "Oomba Loomba, Oomba Loompa, Oompa Loompa Oomba Loompa! Oh!"
This process, seen in the video at the end of the article, has a hypnotic effect and at the same time helps the baby relax and close his or her eyes in peace. As you can see, after only a few seconds the little one relaxes and falls asleep.
We do not have the mathematical certainty that it will work with all children, but anyway trying it will not cost you anything!