These 24 people are definitely having a day that is worse than yours!

It happens to everyone to wake up full of energy and optimism towards the world and then ... BAM! ... suddenly find themselves in a situation so unfortunate and unpleasant that it squelches all enthusiasm.
Unfortunately, there are no remedies for bad days ... just try to take it with philosophy.
Here are 24 unfortunate situations on the edge of being surreal. Although none of the protagonists suffered serious consequences, certainly it will be a day they will never forget.
1. When you realize only when it is baking in the oven that you have dropped your smartphone in the cake batter!

2. Pizza with salami ... one slice is enough

3. We hope it contains nothing of value!

4. Who knows what explanation will be given ...

5. When you save on bath products ... and come out looking like you are wearing a Halloween costume!

6. Somebody parked in the wrong place!

7. The worst nightmare!

8. When you ask for a "Bond Girl' (the protagonist of 007) but the spell checker makes you write "Blind Girl".

9. That moment when you realize you have confused the spray fertilizer with the herbicide!

10. And now?

11. When a trip to the zoo does not go as planned

12. Packaging is not always impeccable!

13. Bye bye smartphone!

14. It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it ...

15. Delivery carried out successfully

16. Should we order a pizza?

17. When you forget your sunscreen ... and your skin constantly reminds you of your mistake!

18. "Who took my knife?" - "It was me."

19. This could become a recurring nightmare

20. It will be better to look for a water fountain

21. "I said no onions"

22. That last smile ... before the pain begins!

23. Oooops....!

24. When you realize, after many hours at the office, that you are wearing different shoes ...
