18 images that have dogs as protagonists, even if at first glance you would not think so!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

April 26, 2018

18 images that have dogs as protagonists, even if at first glance you would not think so!

Even if these camouflage photos of these dogs that we are about to show you were actually set up by their owners, we still would have to admit that they have done a really good job!

In fact, if we usually only need to whistle to have our four-legged friend come to us, we also know that when they are happily taking a nap in the home environment they are able to totally immerse themselves in it, or at least that is what we deduce from these charming images.

Try to locate all of them ... If you can!

1. The same fabric?

1. The same fabric?



2. Here, too, the supplier must be the same!

2. Here, too, the supplier must be the same!


3. Hey! Where are you?!?

3. Hey! Where are you?!?

The Sun

4. When your dog gives that extra touch to the furniture ...

4. When your dog gives that extra touch to the furniture ...


5. Be careful not to let yourself get stepped on!

5. Be careful not to let yourself get stepped on!



6. Here this dog is saved thanks to its ears and collar ... Awesome!

6. Here this dog is saved thanks to its ears and collar ... Awesome!


7. Surely, this dog's owners know that this black rug should NOT be used!

7. Surely, this dog's owners know that this black rug should NOT be used!



8. You can only see it when it moves ...

8. You can only see it when it moves ...


9. This family and I travel incognito!

9. This family and I travel incognito!



10. A dog and his doghouse --- a single entity.

10. A dog and his doghouse --- a single entity.


11. You could spend hours searching for it!

11. You could spend hours searching for it!



12. Just a bed ... Or maybe not?

12. Just a bed ... Or maybe not?


13. A wool carpet and ... a dog!

13. A wool carpet and ... a dog!



14. We are beginning to think that the search for a carpet IDENTICAL to an owner's dog has become a real fad ...

14. We are beginning to think that the search for a carpet IDENTICAL to an owner's dog has become a real fad ...

The Sun

15. A dangerous fad, though!

15. A dangerous fad, though!



16. Even the cat is perplexed ...

16. Even the cat is perplexed ...


17. He does not have a carpet so he is trying his luck with autumn leaves!

17. He does not have a carpet so he is trying his luck with autumn leaves!


18. We would be really curious to know this dog's real dimensions. Meanwhile ... nice hiding place!

18. We would be really curious to know this dog's real dimensions. Meanwhile ... nice hiding place!

