This fisherman photographs the strangest creatures he finds in his fishing nets and the result looks like a horror movie!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

April 29, 2018

This fisherman photographs the strangest creatures he finds in his fishing nets and the result looks like a horror movie!

Roman Fedortsov works on a fishing vessel in Murmansk, a port city in the extreme north-east of Russia.

Earlier this year, he began photographing all the scariest fish that he found in the ship's fishing net. The depths reached by the nets are remarkable, and it is precisely there that most of the creatures that you will see in this article live.

From the fish with the thorn-shaped teeth to the one with the face very similar to an alien, Fedortsov has really seen sea creatures of all colors, shapes, and sizes.

via Roman Fedortsov/Instagram

Tiny eyes and lethal teeth! Swimming in the sea knowing that you could encounter something like this creature is definitely not the best idea!


 Some of the fish found in the fishing net seem to have come out of a movie about aliens.

 It is not the effect of the camera flash that makes this creature's eyes shine so bright ...

 These fish live mostly on the sea floor, which is why their fins are generally very developed.


 Some have really disquieting teeth

 Halfway between crab and spider ... Hopefully it is not poisonous!


 Everything about these fish seems to have been designed to terrorize

 Some are small ... but no less scary!


 Some of the creatures that Fedortsov has found are already well known to science, but others are very rare.

 These fish are subjected to very high deep water pressures and each has developed different solutions in order to survive.


 Even the deep sea starfish have a more sinister appearance ...

 The oceanic depths are populated by animals that we would never have even imagined ...
