18 inventions that have cleverly changed the way parents do things!

Designers, as everyone knows, are always up to something! When it is your job to be creative, then you do not resign yourself to doing things the same old way.
Consequently, this is why the most ancient activity of humankind which is raising children, is being revolutionized by a series of small but clever tricks that reinterpret the things that we have always done.
We have listed 18 innovations for you that will help you in the difficult, yet, beautiful experience of being a father or mother.
1. Portable sleeping crib

2. Baby carrier that keeps the baby and parent warm

3. Accessorized carpet for bathing

4. A diaper holder that hangs from the baby crib.

5. Portable airplane cradle

6. A handy bottle-holder that is attached to the baby car seat.

7. A sippy cup with a double bottom to hide the medicine!

8. A baby food container with an incorporated spoon.

9. Portable ultrasound that connects to your smartphone

10. Pacifier with an integrated thermometer

11. A child-friendly shower head!

12. A pacifier that closes itself when it falls

13. Portable urinals.

14. A bicycle-baby stroller

15. A heat-deflecting cover for a baby car seat

16. A child-friendly camping tent

17. A baby monitor connected to your smartphone

18. A lovely flower-shaped baby bathtub
