Mold in your house? Remove it with this effective home remedy!

Having a corner of the house that is prone to moisture or even mold can be risky for your health and can be the cause of problems such as asthma, allergies, and breathing problems of various kinds.
In addition to ensuring that a house does not have these problems before becoming tenants, it can still happen that the problem occurs later for the most disparate reasons.
In any case, if you want to try a do-it-yourself remedy that is effective and natural, you can remove mold from your walls with a simple mixture composed of easily found ingredients!
Let's prepare a do-it-yourself anti-mold paste.

Here is what you need:
- a pair of rubber gloves
- a small container
- 1 cup of salt (250 grams)
- white wine vinegar
- essential tea tree oil (a few drops)
- 4 tablespoons of 40-volume hydrogen peroxide
Put on the gloves before proceeding, then pour all the ingredients into a small container so as to create a moist but not liquid compound.

YouTube/Soluzioni di Casa di Titty & Flavia
Using a sponge or a brush, start by applying the anti-mold paste on the part affected by mold.

YouTube/Soluzioni di Casa di Titty & Flavia
Let the anti-mold paste work for at least a day, then clean the area with a cloth, and let it dry as much as possible, allowing air to circulate in the house.
In any case, if you see that the problem persists, it is a good idea to arrive at its origin!