23 poignant stories that prove that true love still exists

We're getting used to negative thinking, to criticizing others, and not seeing the positive things that life still offers us.
Perhaps if we just opened our eyes to the good things that surround us, we would all be less stressed, more positive, and hopeful for the future.
If for some time now, your ears have not heard a story with a happy ending, the kind that brings a gentle tear to your eyes then we propose to you 23 images that tell a story that will make you rediscover love, the real kind!
"My grandmother (93 years old) and her sister (96 years) as they head for the beach last week."

"My aunt gave me this stuffed animal cat in 1995, with whom I sleep every night. Only after her death, I found out that she also had an identical one. The love of 20 years has left its marks."

"Every year this man buys toys, dresses up as Santa Claus, and delivers them to children in hospitals."

"Bill Murray once bought all the tickets to a folk concert and distributed them to people who were in line to buy tickets!"

A simplified version of a remote control for a grandmother with Alzheimer's.

This morning our 8-year-old son got up early to prepare some stockings (which were actually plastic bags) full of the things you see below."

I've never seen my sister who is autistic interact as well with someone. Finally, she has a friend and his name is Fuzzy."

A daughter has taught her father how to take a selfie --- these are his photos!

My sister got married shortly after the loss of our mother. The photographer gave her this gift so that it would seem that mom was also present at the wedding that day."

"The exact moment when my parents met after they collided during a volleyball game."

"I have very few memories of my father. His best friend contacted me telling me that he had a photo of him together with my mother and he sent it to me."

True love never ends!

"It is said that in Denmark there are many people who suffer from loneliness. That's why I arranged a party with strangers. There were more than 100!

"This dog lives near a school. Every day he waits for the school children to pass by to greet and caress him."

"We have a dog in our office and every morning he comes to my desk to greet me."

"My mom smiling after she saved 40 children from a school bus on fire."

"Three generations in one picture."

"My father while reading a letter he had written to his mother in 1968, when he was a soldier in Vietnam. This is the first time that he has read it again since then and it took him more than an hour."

"Today, at the age of 28, the paperwork to allow my stepfather to adopt me was finally completed!"

"My dad, who did not want to have this [damn dog]."
!["My dad, who did not want to have this [damn dog]."](https://img.wtvideo.com/images/article/list/17877_20.jpg)
"This woman has given her electric generator to this man, because he was unable to find even one in the stores, due to the arrival of a hurricane. His father would not have survived without his oxygen machine."

"This man gave me a bag full of tennis balls at the animal shelter, to give them to our dogs to play with."

"My brother, who can only see with one eye, adopted a dog with the same problem that no one else wanted to take."
