Until a person arrives who does these 10 things, you should remain single

by Shirley Marie Bradby

July 30, 2018

Until a person arrives who does these 10 things, you should remain single

The saying goes: "Better alone than in bad company" ... Of course, there are those who do not believe this and yet this is true. If there is one thing that the pain of love relationships that have failed teaches us is precisely that of not making the same mistake twice. 

This can mean many things but in general and first of all, it means learning to have respect for oneself and expecting the person by our side to do the same ... always! 

If someone wants to become part of your life, respond with trust, but if there is no trace of certain positive behaviors and signs, then you are right to remain alone a little longer!

via huffpost.com

10 things that a companion should do for you ...

10 things that a companion should do for you ...



1. They are not afraid to show their most intimate and vulnerable side.

1. They are not afraid to show their most intimate and vulnerable side.


2. They make you feel comfortable and protected.

2. They make you feel comfortable and protected.


3. They treat you as one of their peers.

3. They treat you as one of their peers.


4. They make you feel happy when they are with you.

4. They make you feel happy when they are with you.



5. They love your faults.

5. They love your faults.


6. They do not make you feel judged.

6. They do not make you feel judged.



7. They make you laugh!

7. They make you laugh!


8. They accept your past.

8. They accept your past.



9. They call to know if you are safe.

9. They call to know if you are safe.


10. They understand when it is time to give you some privacy.

10. They understand when it is time to give you some privacy.

