Taking photos of "Back to school" day? Here are the risks involved with sharing them on social networks!

The first day back at school is an important moment in the life of every child, especially because it is the beginning of a new and long phase in which there are so many hopes, dreams, and anxieties.
Consequently, it is an unmissable moment, that moms and dads usually do not hesitate to immortalize with an image to add to the family photo albums.
Nothing bad, if the photo album in question is a hard copy, like back in the day, or if it always remains in a private collection; but very risky if the digital image ends on the Internet.
Here are the dangers and how to avoid them.
via guiainfantil.com
Risks to avoid

The first to sound the alarm was the federal agents of Mexico, where the school year begins earlier than elsewhere. "As a public safety authority, we are obliged to alert the population about the dangers of social networks and how people actually facilitate the work of kidnappers, traffickers, in short, all kinds of criminals. In fact, this type of posting online at the beginning of the school year is what most of these criminals are eagerly waiting for so they can choose their victims."
In all countries, authorities warn parents not to post pictures of their children's return to school on social networks because these images can provide all kinds of criminals with very important information about children, such as:
- The Name of the child ;
- School attended;
- School hours;
- School uniform;
- People present at the school entrance and eventual guardians/teachers who monitor the children;
- Buildings around the school along the route utilized by the child;
- People who accompany the child and in whom he or she has trust;
- Friends of the child.
This is a lot, in fact, too much information to give to a criminal.
Precautions to be taken

In order for us parents not to give up photographing our children at such an important moment of their - and our - life, it is, therefore, advisable to take some simple precautions:
- Do not take pictures next to traffic signs, at the front door of your house or the entrance of the school;
- Check that there are no elements in the photos that can identify the school attended by the child;
- Do not share photos with other children without parental permission;
- On social networks limit access to all the photos that concern the child to only trusted people
In any case, we must be aware of the fact that, once put online, the photos remain on the Internet forever! Therefore, if there is any doubt, it is better to not post the photo online and to store it privately.