16 animals whose imperfections make them even more special and loved by their owners

Those who live with a four-legged friend know how special that relationship is and the unconditional love and joy you receive from them are absolutely not comparable to those of a human being.
This is the reason why everything else takes second place, the pet hair, the small household disasters, and even their physical imperfections.
The following images tell the stories of the indissoluble friendship between injured dogs and cats and people who, despite - or just because of --- their physical defects decided to adopt these animals.
1. This dog is blind in one eye and his tongue does not want to stay in place, but he no less adorable!

2. Despite the missing eye, this kitten has enough beauty for two cats!

3. It's called Pi, he's not Greek, but he does have 3.14 legs ...

4. It has one eye, three legs, half a tail, and an exceptional smile and enthusiasm!

5. This charming cat has three legs and A LOT of hair!

6. A bad ear infection has taken away both his ears, but not his desire to play!

7. This 14-year-old cat was born blind but this did not stop him from enjoying life.

8. Hemingway is a cat whose reduced number of legs, he has only three --- is compensated by an abundance of fingers and toes. In fact, it has 21!

9. This young gentleman even without an eye is irresistible!

10. His girlfriend wanted a dog, he did not --- but in the end, this funny guy was the right compromise between the two of them.

11. Despite the missing ear, it is impossible to sneak up on this cat.

12. Beaux Tox is a Labrador Retriever born with a facial malformation, which makes it even more amiable.

13. Fergie is a dog that is a little blind and a little deaf, but very much loved!
14. It took some time because of his unusual appearance, but eventually, Bruno also found a home!
15. How can you resist such tenderness?
16. Abandoned at birth due to its deformed nose, Smushie has finally found some owners who appreciate and cuddle him.