7 questions you must ask your children to teach them what to do in dangerous situations

by Shirley Marie Bradby

September 07, 2018

7 questions you must ask your children to teach them what to do in dangerous situations

The prudence of parents is never too much when it comes to protecting their children, but it is also true that parents cannot always be present and alert.

For this reasonit is important to teach children the behaviors to follow when their mother and father are unable to immediately intervene. 

Specifically, security experts recommend to address these seven issues with children, to avoid running into situations that could prove to be very dangerous.

Armando Aguayo Rivera/flickr

Armando Aguayo Rivera/flickr

1. If an adult asks you for help on the street, what should you do? 
Correct answer: Do not stop and keep going on your way. If an adult needs help he or she will ask another adult, not a child. 

2. Would you go to someone's house that you have just met? 
Correct answer:  It is not advisable - neither for a child nor for an adult - to go to the house of someone you have just met, even if it is another child.



3. Would you accept candy from a stranger? 
Correct answer: It is not good to accept sweets, toys or other things from strangers; even if it is an acquaintance, it is always better to be careful. 

4. You notice that someone is following you --- what should you do? 
Correct answer: Go straight to a public facility - like a drugstore, a supermarket, a school or a police station - and immediately contact your parents.

The Photographer/wikimedia

The Photographer/wikimedia

5. In case you are surrounded by stray dogs, what do you do? 
Correct answer: First, stay calm and do not look the dogs in the eye. Then, with caution, you can try to distract them by throwing an object in the opposite direction to yours and, without turning your back to them, move away without running. 

6. If you get lost in the crowd, what should you do? 
Correct answer: Try to reach the edge of the crowd, and if you see someone you know or a police officer, approach them to ask for help. 

7. If a stranger grabs you and does not let you go, how should you react? 
Correct answer: Try to attract the attention of the people around by screaming, crying, and shouting that the person holding you is not your parent, but a stranger! Very loudly ask for help and try to get away.

Teaching your children these rules is vital!

Teaching your children these rules is vital!

Raúl Hernández González/Flickr
