According to life coach Barbara Grassi, people who are perennially late to everything tend to be more successful and optimistic in life

If your friends reproach you for always being late and making them wait every time you have an appointment, know that science is on your side.
According to various studies, tardy people possess numerous advantages. For Harvard Medical School, it is all about optimistic people who take life in a more lighthearted and carefree way!
Therefore, tardy people experience a lower level of stress, which, in the opinion of the American Psychological Association, would be a factor that contributes to greater success and longevity.
Life coach Barbara Grassi explains to us better what is hiding behind a person who is always late! ;)
via La Repubblica

According to Barbara Grassi, in order to understand a tardy person, we need to start from the fact that time is a subjective concept.
"There are people who value time very much because they give priority to punctuality and there are those who value more their emotions and what they are experiencing at that moment."
A clear example of what it means is found in the difference between West and East in the way of perceiving time.
"In the West, time is perceived in a linear way, in continuous progression, we focus on doing, at the expense of feelings, of the quality of life, and of people themselves." Consequently, there is a marked tendency to control time, organizing it, and channeling it into activities and commitments.
"In the East, the concept of time is circular, because it is punctuated by the events that follow each other cyclically and an emphasis is given to the long-term and to the harmony of the moment itself." Therefore, every moment becomes unique and unrepeatable, pushing the individual to fully enjoy it.
A tardy person, someone who is habitually late, therefore, lives with passion the present moment, focused on what he or she is doing. The problem, if anything, is in their relationship with others. "An advice for when you must apologize for being late is to avoid making excuses --- sincerity always wins," Barbara suggests.

Nevertheless, there are various types of tardy people, and knowing them can help people around them not to lose their patience:
1. Lazy: These are tardy people who are lacking in motivation and willpower. It is better to remind them of their appointments and to help them to focus on a goal.
2. Undecided: These are people who are always late because they do not know or cannot decide what clothes to wear or what route to take. It is better for them to plan social and work commitments in advance.
3. Stressed: These tardy individuals have very low tolerance when comes to stress, and appointments make them feel anxious and they tend to run away from their responsibilities. In this case, it would help them if they learned relaxation techniques and reduced the number of appointments so as to learn how to manage them, and in the meantime, work on themselves to learn how to overcome anxiety.
4. Positive/Emotional: These tardy people are the type who do not take into account the unexpected, thinking that everything will be fine, just like in a fairy tale. It is a good idea for them to make sure that their optimism can be sustained by learning to make a plan B to face any unexpected events.
5. Rebels: These are people who are always tardy because they associate punctuality with submission and like for others to wait for them. Never argue with them --- it is better to make them experience, personally, the consequences of their behavior, by canceling the appointment.
And you, what kind of tardy person are you? ;-)