Here is how to get rid of neck pain using a simple towel

by Shirley Marie Bradby

September 18, 2018

Here is how to get rid of neck pain using a simple towel

There is nothing worse than starting the day badly, waking up on the wrong side of the bed, and being nervous all day.

Sometimes, however, it seems like the universe is out to get you, and you can even find yourself waking up with an annoying neck ache at the crack of dawn, and not even stretching exercises or painkillers can alleviate your suffering. 

What we are about to propose are exercises specifically designed for all those who have problems with neck pain. At the end of the article, you can also find a video with two expert physiotherapists who explain the prescribed movements in detail!

Physical Therapy Video/YouTube

Physical Therapy Video/YouTube

Neck pain can be very annoying, which is why there are many remedies and exercises.

You probably have tried massages, hot baths, and even drugs that have not prevented the return of neck pain. With these new exercises, you will not only find immediate relief from this problem but you will also notice that the pain will not come back again! All that you need is a towel and to follow the advice we are going to give you ...

Wrapping a towel around your neck, you can get a leverage effect that helps us to move your head in all directions without causing tension or putting a strain on the neck. There are several exercises that can be tried with this method and each of them, in its own way, greatly helps to reduce pain.

Physical Therapy Video/YouTube

Physical Therapy Video/YouTube

The starting position is always the same, you have to keep the towel behind the neck with the two ends in your hands at eye level. In this way, the head movement will be supported, avoiding putting weight on your neck.

Another important thing, to be able to do these exercises, is the posture to be held --- you must always sit up straight in a chair with a back that is not too high, so as not to prevent certain movements.  

As you see in this first exercise, your head should be moved up and down, while your neck is being supported by a towel. The longer you go on with the exercises, the more you can pull on the towel. It is important to stop immediately at the first sign of pain!

Physical Therapy Video/YouTube

Physical Therapy Video/YouTube

Another movement is to the right and to the left, depending on where you feel the most pain, then you should work more on that side. Pulling the towel from side to side, follow the same movements with your head. Only the head and neck should move and be careful if you feel any pain!

In the video, that you find at the end of the article, you can see two physiotherapists who explain in detail the movements to follow. Pay attention to the wrong movements that could even make your neck pain worse!

Remember that if the neck pain is chronic and has lasted for a long time without any exercise or medication being used at all, specialized medical care may be necessary.
