This little girl has a genetic malformation and her huge eyes have conquered thousands of people

Beauty has nothing to do with perfection; rather, this characteristic relates to a subjective dimension, which makes it difficult to crystallize into an absolute definition.
Yet, for the same reason, each of us is able to recognize beauty. You just need to have a mind that is free of prejudices, because beauty is often found where we would not expect it.
For instance, in the mesmerizing gaze of Mehlani Ramirez, in which a chromosomal anomaly becomes a particular physical characteristic of undoubted charm.
Mehlani Ramirez is two years old and was born with a rare genetic disease, namely, the Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome. It is generally manifested by malformations of the eyes, face, oral cavity and navel, although it may result in more severe disorders during embryonic development.
Fortunately, Mehlani has only a mild form, with its main symptoms being her big eyes and a spacious forehead; but her parents are equally concerned with the social consequences for their beloved child.
So, her mother Karina has shared on Twitter her fears and concerns for the future of her little girl Mehlani:
"Every time we go out and a stranger complimented her big and beautiful eyes, I had a mental debate on whether or not to mention her defect. I decide not to, smile and say thank you, but I am always left with a strange feeling, I only pray that she will always know how beautiful she is."
Looking at her tender face made even sweeter by her large eyes you cannot but be fascinated by Mehlani. In fact, her mother Karina immediately received countless messages of support, which reassured her about her daughter's beauty and the fact that no one could doubt it.
@CotyClack tweeted: "It looks like a cute baby syndrome for me."
@Chynnajo wrote: "She is beautiful, she is a small and strong girl and she is lucky to have you as her mother, simply perfect."
This support has encouraged Karina, who replied: "I am really overwhelmed by all the love my little princess is receiving! You guys are literally making me tear up! Since everyone is being so sweet, I thought would share some of my favorite photos of my beautiful daughter."
Karina also described the ordeal experienced by her child who, since she was five months hold has been subjected to various surgical operations to correct the malformation of her eyes, which have prevented further and more serious damage to the optic nerves. The surgical operations have all been successful, but future developments cannot be predicted. In fact, the evolution of her condition will just have to be monitored over time.
As a "thank you" for all the warmth and support received, her mother Karina has posted a video of the sweet Mehlani who - although unaware of all the love and admiration aroused on the Internet - thanks and greets everyone. A real bundle of sweetness!