Three truths about a cesarean section that only women who have experienced it can really know

Although a woman is left with a certain degree of freedom in deciding how to give birth - whether in a natural way or with a cesarean section - the last word is still up to the doctors who will evaluate the safest option for the mother and the child.
Every person has their own motivations to choose one or the other preference, and none of these are debatably definitive. Women who have undergone a cesarean section, however, have experienced aspects of pregnancy and delivery that certainly are not present in the case of a natural birth.
3 truths about the cesarean section that only the mothers who have experienced it can know.

1. Cesarean section is a surgical procedure, and as such has consequences: However, it is often said that a cesarean section is a painless way of giving birth to children. At the time of actual birth, in fact, there is no pain, but it comes immediately after the disappearance of the effect of anesthesia. The cut is a full-fledged surgery that can be very dangerous under the conditions of a woman who is in labor.
Furthermore, in no way can the woman's family or relatives be near her at the time of delivery. Women who give birth by cesarean section must find within themselves the strength to face the moments of joy and pain alone and far from their loved ones. Only a mother's impatience, due to wanting to embrace her baby, manages to overcome the fear that something might go wrong.
2. It cannot be said that the operation went well after the birth of a child: As in any other surgical operation, the moment when it can be said that everything went according to the procedures is not when a baby comes into the world. Unlike a natural birth, the moments after birth are moments of apprehension because the operation officially ends when the anesthesia disappears altogether.
What many forget, moreover, is the fact that the mother is awake during the operation and, although she does not feel real pain, she perceives all the movements that take place outside and inside her belly --- and it is not at all a pleasant sensation ...
3. Coping with post-partum recovery is very painful, but mothers face it with pride: Having a child completely revolutionizes one's life. Revising all the priorities that until a few hours before were valid, finding yourself having to respond to the needs of a small creature requires a certain physical and mental predisposition. Now, try to imagine having to face all of this accompanied by strong and persistent pain and discomfort - which is caused by the stitches that they required to close the wound.

It is clear that the women who have undergone a cesarean section have experienced in a completely different way the reality of childbirth.
However, despite the pain, the sorrow for not having had the opportunity to "feel" the actual birth and not to have had close to them at least one loved one, the mothers who have had a cesarian section are still smiling, due to their incredible enthusiasm to finally see their baby in flesh and bone.
This is proof of how giving birth is a miracle and how it is able to even overshadow pain.