They showed their newborn baby to their Chihuahua for the first time ... and the dog's reaction is sweeter than expected!

Children and dogs are usually able to establish a perfect harmony from the first moments spent together and become in a short time inseparable companions who share pranks and adventures.
The moment when a newborn baby is brought home is always delicate and difficult to deal with. Perhaps due to too much concern from the parents, possibly because they do not know what will be the reaction of their trusted four-legged friend, therefore, they almost always end up worrying just a little more than necessary.
In any case, that problem did not exist with this little dog since she made that moment much easier by welcoming the newborn baby in her own special way!

Eddie and Yvonne are a couple who, like many others, decided to start a family together with their little female Chihuahua named Quica. Ever since the woman became pregnant, the most excited of all was the little dog who for nine long months, guarded the woman's "baby bump", barking and growling at anyone who approached closer than necessary.
Once Nicholas, their beautiful newborn baby son, came into the world, Eddie and Yvonne did not know how Quica would react. What if she proved to be jealous of Yvonne and her relationship with her newborn baby Nicholas, how could they solve this problem?
According to experts the best way to introduce a newborn baby to your dog is to do it step by step so that your dog can get used to new smells and a new member of the family in the house, that could make life more lively. You do not have to force your hand too much to make them get to know each other, you have to give it some time as in any other relationship.
What you will find below is the video of the very nice and unexpected reaction of Quica, the little Chihuahua, as soon as she saw little Nicholas arrive at home. Definitely, we can say that the little dog became accustomed to the newborn baby in record time!