This young child helps his elderly grandfather to eat ... and the video touches thousands of people!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 11, 2018

This young child helps his elderly grandfather to eat ... and the video touches thousands of people!

Grandparents are a point of reference for every family and their help is essential for the growth of a child. They are the most sought after when needed, but they are also the first to be forgotten when their health starts to fail.

They would give everything for their grandchildren who they shower with love and affection, for this reason, it would be nice if sometimes their grandchildren also returned the favor!

Fortunately, some grandchildren do! Just look at what this young child does for his elderly grandfather, who for medical reasons, is forced to stay in bed! This touching video has thrilled thousands of people on the Internet!

Michelle Botta/Facebook

Michelle Botta/Facebook

When a child is born he is surrounded by the love of his whole family, unfortunately, the same cannot be said when a person is elderly. Often these unfortunate people are forced to live on the margins of society, without the affection of their loved ones and forgotten by everyone.

Fortunately, this is not always the case, in many cultures, the elderly are highly respected and are well-cared for within their families.

Within their own family, an elderly person should be given the love and respect that they deserve, after all, they have done the same for us and deserve the same treatment! This is a lesson that this little boy also must have already learned because, as we can see, he instinctively tries to take care of his grandfather who cannot get out of bed. 

Michelle Botta/Facebook

Michelle Botta/Facebook

The child does what he can to help his grandfather by feeding him pieces of tasty fruit! Even if the video lasts only a few seconds, it perfectly captures the tender moment between the two showing the elderly man who accepts his grandson's care with gratitude and love. This moment of tenderness has obviously gone around the Internet overwhelming the message boards of the social networks.

Remember never to abandon an elderly person in their time of need, they have done so much in life, would continue to do so if their health allowed it!

At the end of this article, you can find the video that has gone viral, conquering the heart of everyone who has seen it!
