10 warning signs our skin might send us when we have heart issues

Our body is a perfect machine that at the first symptom of imbalance tries to warn us as effectively as possible.
It can be said that the motor or engine of our body is the heart, and if it does not work well, it will affect all the other parts of our body. But how do we realize that our cardiovascular system is not functioning properly?
Even if most people would not think so, but the first alarm signal is shown by our skin and manifests itself in the form of skin eruptions, swelling or other signs on every part of our body ...
via American Academy of Dermatology

1. Swollen legs and ankles can be symptoms of heart problems. If you notice that liquids accumulate or swelling (edema) builds up in your lower limbs, it is a good idea to ask your doctor about this problem.
2. If you notice cholesterol deposits around your eyelids, on your hands or behind your legs, then they are signs of an excessively high quantity of cholesterol in your blood. Also, in this case, it is necessary to consult your doctor!

3. If you have this kind of bruising under the skin but you do not have any pain it could be a Janeway lesion. These small broken blood vessels last about a week and may be a symptom of infective endocarditis. To avoid risks, it is always best to consult a cardiologist if you notice these signs of bruising under your skin.
4. If instead, you notice small painful nodules between your toes and fingers that are purplish in color, it could be Osler's nodes. These symptoms usually last only a few days but also, in this case, they could be a symptom of infective endocarditis.

5. A sudden skin eruption consisting of waxy bumps, like in the photo, could be due to an allergic reaction. However, we must not underestimate their sudden appearance, especially if they are cholesterol deposits that can also, in this case, indicate a very high level of cholesterol in the blood or diabetes.
6. Also, do not underestimate situations if you notice areas where the skin has a blue-violet color. These sudden colorations are typical when temperatures are very cold or when there is an artery blocked by excessive cholesterol. The risks are very high and it is better to consult a doctor if the problem does not go away.

7. A swelling on your fingernails can mean a heart infection or some other disorder associated with the heart. In this case, however, you can be more relaxed about it because in some people the wavy or slightly swollen nails could be due to a genetic factor!
8. Skin that is "lumpy" is never a good sign. In most cases, it is a matter of an accumulation of proteins in the heart or in other organs. If you notice these signs anywhere on your skin, contact your doctor.

9. These small bruises under your fingernails may be caused by a blow or by rubbing. If that is not the case, then it could be a heart disease, especially if associated with fever and irregular heartbeat.
10. If you notice that the extremities of your hands tend towards a rather unnatural blue color and you are not in a place with a very low temperature, then it is time to worry. It could be a narrowing or a blockage of a blood vessel!
As you have seen yourself from this article, it is not a good idea to mess around with your heart! So, if you notice any of these symptoms do not hesitate to immediately contact your doctor or a cardiologist!