"Because I still need my mom":this woman's letter reminds us how we're never too old to need our mother

We often talk about how important the role of parents is in a child's life and the load of responsibility that comes with being a parent.
But when is it that parents stop being parents and children stop being children? Never. This is why the central relationship remains unchanged even when the child becomes an adolescent, and then an adult.
This letter entitled "Because even today I still need my mother" makes clear the immortality of the parent-child relationship, in this case, mother-daughter.
This is a bond that evolves and changes with the passing of the years but that never loses the reason to exist even when a daughter becomes a woman and a mother herself.
via inspiremore.com
Because even today still I need my mother.

I call my mom twice a week to ask her the most varied questions that I know only she can answer. Questions like "How can I tell if this hamburger is still good?" or "Do you think it is necessary to wash this shirt by hand or is it just a suggestion?". Do you remember when you lost an item when you were a child and your mother always seemed to know where it was right away? It is very likely that she still has that power.
Like most mother-daughter relationships, our relationship has also passed through the traditional stages. As a child, I was her assistant Christmas tree decorator, as a young girl, my mother made sure that my school uniform was always clean, as a teenager I complained about her rules but at the same time, I benefited from her constant presence. Until university, I never realized how much I could miss her homemade mashed potatoes and her 24/7 laundry service. At 20, she was my biggest fan, my most loyal defender, my shopping partner, and my wedding planner. And today, as a mother and wife in my mid-thirties, I rely on her guidance more than ever.
I cannot remember how many urgent calls I have made to her in the last seven years, which have led her every time to jump in her car and come to my aid. When my son broke his chin on the edge of the shower stall, I called her on the speakerphone while I put pressure on the wound with a towel and waited for her arrival to hear her opinion about the need to go to the hospital and get stitches.
Until I became a mother, I did not understand why she went to bed at nine o'clock at night. I thought she was just a party pooper and I did not consider that she could just be exhausted after an entire day spent working, cleaning, cooking, and driving her children, here and there.
A mom is a beacon in the night and the calm center in a storm. She can be both a confidant and a critic, your biggest supporter and your biggest admonisher. She knows your greatest secrets and has assisted you in your darkest hours, but she always loves you all the same. Over the years, she has dried all your tears and only some of her own. She is the only person who has changed both your diapers and those of your children.
Thank you for staying up late to do my homework with me and for getting up early to prepare breakfast. Thanks especially to you, single moms, because you must also take on the role of a father and bear all the weight of the responsibility of being a single parent. Thank you too, all you mothers who welcome into your arms children whom you have not carried in your womb; you are proof that a mother's love is unconditional. And thank you, all the mothers who are watching us from Heaven, know that every day we look for your guidance in our hearts and every day we deal with your absence.
And for MY mother, thank you for passing on to me your family values and what it means to be a woman and a mother. It is only thanks to you if today I know how to love my children and if I can say that I am a good mother!
An adaptation of Stacy Carlin's blog article: "Why I Still Need My Mom: A Letter From Your 37-Yr-Old Daughter".