If you have to babysit, do not immediately take into custody a child that it is asleep when you arrive --- this babysitter explains why!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 18, 2018

If you have to babysit, do not immediately take into custody a child that it is asleep when you arrive --- this babysitter explains why!

Professional babysitters are back to being very much requested for employment. This is because parents have more and more trouble carving out the time they would like to dedicate to their children and very often they are forced to look for someone to help take care of them. 

A professional babysitter, however, warns all individuals employed as babysitters, by parents to take care of their children, even for a few hours, --- "Never take into custody children who are asleep when you arrive." 

Based on the authority of her long and successful experience as a professional babysitter, she explains why.

via metro.co.uk



Every time that she has arrived and found a sleeping child, she has always woken up the child. This often led to the baby crying and the parents being annoyed with her actions. But the woman immediately explains why she did it and why it's part of the way she works. 

One day this same woman says that she agreed to babysit for a few hours, a little baby that had been left in the care of its grandmother. The little baby was sleeping profoundly and even when the baby was passed from the grandmother to the babysitter the baby did not wake up. The grandmother said this was because the baby had not slept all night and that for this reason, now the baby was very tired.

However, after the grandmother had left, the behavior of the child, continued to seem unusual to the woman who, in the end, decided to call an ambulance. At the hospital, it was discovered that the grandmother was used to giving drugs to her grandchild to keep the baby quiet when in her care. The child was only six months old at the time of the incident and only by chance the baby had not yet suffered serious consequences from the ingestion of drugs.



Since that day, this babysitter's protocol has included the habit of first and immediately checking the health of the children she takes into her custody. She not only wakes them up if they are asleep but also checks their physical condition and their body.

The main reason is that there have been cases where the parents have mistreated their child and then have blamed the babysitters. The woman strongly advises checking to see if the child can move all of his or her limbs (in case of broken arms or legs), to look for bruises, and an absent look in the child's eyes.

In case something seems unusual, you should not hesitate to report everything to the police.
