Hot salt: a natural remedy that can help fight against colds and alleviate neck pain

When you suffer from light neck pain, menstrual cramps, colds, and bronchitis you can resort to a natural and economic remedy to alleviate the symptoms, namely, hot salt.
This is a remedy that is within everyone's reach and completely natural, as opposed to other remedies which are advertised as such but that in reality are not.
Obviously, this is a homemade remedy to mitigate some minor health problems. However, if the problems persist, it is always good to get a doctor's opinion.

Using hot salt is very simple and fast. All you need is untreated coarse salt or rock salt, better if sea salt or Himalayan, put a fist full or a little more in a saucepan without adding anything else and leave it on a stove fire until it begins to release a little smoke.
At this point, turn off the stove fire, pour the salt into a towel and apply it on the aching areas for 15-20 minutes or until the hot salt returns to room temperature.
This method exploits the absorbing power of salt against the excess moisture present in our body. In turn, the latter absorbs its heat and its minerals, giving relief to those suffering from colds, bronchitis, backache, cervical or dental pain.
This hot salt treatment can be repeated every day and the same salt can be reused several times, which is very economical.