An overweight couple decides to go on a diet and the goal they reach exceeds all expectations

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 31, 2018

An overweight couple decides to go on a diet and the goal they reach exceeds all expectations

Human willpower is unbelievable and if supported by the right motivations, you can reach seemingly impossible goals.

If then during the journey, you are supported and have by your side the person you love, there is no result that can be ruled out.

This is exactly what these two young people, who are the protagonists of this story, have shown us. Thanks to the mutual support they have managed to lose around 397 lb (180 kg) between the two of them in just 2 years!

An overweight couple decides to go on a diet and the goal they reach exceeds all expectations - 1

Lexy and Danny are a young couple from Terre Haute, Indiana (USA) who, thanks to the moral support and help that only a couple in love can give each other, have managed to lose a little more than 397 lb (180 kg) in total.

The couple was heavily overweight and Lexy has always fought against obesity even as a young girl while Danny had always maintained an acceptable weight until he stopped doing physical activity.

Being overweight was increasingly becoming a problem especially for the young woman who had reached the threshold of 485 lb (220 kg) against the 280 lb (127 kg) of the young man. Their weight loss challenge began in January 2016 and since then nothing has been the same for the two young beloveds.

Their previous lifestyle has been completely abolished, including the usual meals consumed between fast food and junk food. All this has been replaced with a healthy diet and above all a controlled diet with food and meals prepared at home and by carefully paying attention to the labels and calories consumed.


Even though a healthier and more balanced life can help a lot, it was also necessary to do some physical activity.

Going to the gym was perhaps the hardest part for Lexy and Danny, an obstacle that they managed to overcome together and defeat the fear and shame that until then had held them back.

With regular workouts and mutual support, the two managed to lose around 397 lb (180 kg) in almost two years.

Changing their daily and mental habits, the gym has also become a place that they go to frequently, so much so that it becomes an excellent resource for stress release instead of food.

These two people have succeeded in the difficult task of changing their lives! Now Lexy weighs 180 lb (82 kg) while Danny weighs 194 lb (88 kg).

All thanks to this radical change that promises a new beginning for this young couple who, together, have now become invincible and seem to be able to face any kind of difficulty!
