Pregnancy can be "contagious" --- a sociological study confirms this!

Having children is a wonderful experience, which must be approached with enthusiasm but also with a good measure of responsibility.
Many women get pregnant without planning it, while others postpone it until they feel completely ready. However, researchers have discovered a curious factor that seems to work as an incentive: friendship.
Apparently, it is specifically the social context, and therefore the people that we frequent, that make pregnancy "contagious".

The Association of American Sociologists published in 2014 the results of a long study (lasting 10 years) in which a sample of almost 2,000 women was followed. Since the beginning of the research (in the 1990s) until its conclusion, about half of them had had at least one child.
When questioning the triggering factors that led them to decide to become mothers, something interesting emerged! Almost all of them mentioned their "bonds of friendship". This led sociologists to a conclusion that perhaps many had already suspected, but had never been confirmed, namely, that motherhood is "contagious", and is literally "transmitted" among female friends.
People tend to make life choices based on their living environment. Seeing a pregnant friend causes positive feelings in a woman, and unconsciously this predisposes her to change her opinions and intentions regarding pregnancy.

In addition to positive feelings, there are also more practical aspects. If a woman postpones her pregnancy because she does not feel economically or personally ready, seeing a friend who instead manages her pregnancy gladly and calmly can lead her to believe more in her own abilities.
This aspect would also affect the number of children a woman has. In fact, if a woman manages and successfully raises three children then her friends will be more willing to have a large family too.
In short, according to experts, pregnancy is "contagious"... and according to us, there is no "contagion" more beautiful than this!
Have you observed such a thing also among your friends? Let us know in the comments!