Preferring black clothes may suggest some aspects of your personality

Black is the color that should not be missing from anyone's wardrobe.
Some people, however, tend to always wear dark clothes, often black; and the real reason is not just a matter of taste.
According to psychologists, the color we choose to wear sends a clear message to others and to ourselves.
In fact, the color black is also linked to a specific meaning and is chosen by a special kind of person.

Black is traditionally the color that has to do with power; black is chosen by the people who have the role of a leader, or by people trying to impose their power in a certain context.
People who always wear dark clothes are perceived by others as successful, ambitious people, who take care of themselves. Whoever wears black is usually also very emotional; hence, black serves to keep these emotions in check and to tone them down. It is a kind of protection because emotional stability is very important for this type of person.
They may also suffer from anxiety and lack of concentration and thus black serves to give them a feeling of having everything under control.
Black is the color of power and prestige but it cannot be said that whoever wears black often is actually a leader. They do, however, take themselves seriously and are ambitious and strict with themselves.
Black is the color that you choose when you want to be noticed by someone, not due to exuberance, but to emphasize intellectual faculties. Whoever chooses to wear the color black is a very thoughtful person and is usually considered trustworthy because they are first and foremost loyal and honest with themselves.
And you, what color do you wear usually? If it's black, do you recognize yourself in this description?