Dads can cause even more stress to moms than their children, a survey has revealed

We all know that being a mother is a stressful job.
Between taking care of the children, doing the housework, and working outside of the home, it is only at night that you can throw yourself on the bed and finally breathe a sigh of relief. But it cannot be said that the problems end there.
In fact, according to recent studies, these numerous and demanding daily tasks would not be the main source of stress for a mother. So what is the main source? Well, not many women will be surprised by the answer --- it is their own husbands.

Villalobos, Horacio, Photographer/wikimedia
This is confirmed by an exclusive survey by TODAY, which interviewed 7,000 American mothers, concluding that if on average the level of stress for a mother is about 8.5 out of 10, for 46% of these women the responsibility would be attributed to their husband.
The reason is primarily to be found in the different way of thinking of men and women, especially in reference to children. For example, a mother tends to worry more than a father.
In this regard, Deno Fleno, one of the mothers involved in the survey, said: "We both work (she and her husband) full-time and we try to divide the time to devote to our children, but I am always more worried than he is. Of course, my husband is also worried about their future, but not in the same way."
Secondly, another reason is the unequal distribution of household duties, which three-quarters of the women in the sample survey say tend to fall almost entirely on the woman. Moreover, the mothers interviewed also declare to be stressed by not having enough time to do everything they should. Specifically, 1 in 5 of the women interviewed identified the lack of help from their partner, in the management of the house, as a major source of stress.

Another survey conducted by the Working Mother Research Institute showed that 79% of the working moms are responsible for doing the household laundry and in general they are also twice as likely to have to be in the kitchen preparing a meal, compared to their husbands.
How do they live under such stress? The mothers answered that the fact of having to take care of most of the housework makes them feel under a lot of pressure while at the same time having a real need to relax --- but without being able to do so, due to having to do almost all the housework alone or by themselves.
This tendency to make most of the tasks fall on women, however, is not to be interpreted - only - as the product of an essentially male-dominated and patriarchal society. In fact, the same problem is found in homosexual couples, in which the housework is also divided in an equally unfair manner.