A father with anger issues can have a negative effect on a child's cognitive and emotional growth

Parents have a huge influence on their children, both consciously and unconsciously: even the moods of parents are reflected in their children's cognitive and emotional development.
This means that parents must pay close attention to negative moods such as irritation, stress, and anger because these can have a devastating effect on children, especially when they come from their father.
According to Freud, in fact, "no need in childhood is as strong as the need for a father's protection".

The children of an irascible father over time develop problems of insecurity, anguish, and stress. Not only that: also at a cognitive, emotional and linguistic level the violent or nervous behavior of the father will leave profound marks.
Even if the phase of greater vulnerability of children is between zero and three years old, it is also true that these negative emotions and actions will likewise have serious consequences for older children. In fact, children may feel guilty, as if they were responsible for the father's lack of emotional control. This generates anxiety, a condition that prevents learning: in fact, the constant emotional excess and pressure make it difficult to focus on anything else.
At the same time, an irascible and aggressive father represents a scary role model for his children. They could end up emulating him, or remaining slaves to his moods, and becoming unable to control their own emotions. This also ends up translating negatively at the scholastic level, increasing the likelihood of failure.

For a father to avoid having a negative influence on his children, it is good to keep these recommendations in mind:
- Strengthen your relationship with your children. Expressing one's feelings, fears, concerns, desires, and dreams creates a climate of trust and promotes dialogue as an instrument of emotional control.
- Carve out time and spaces for yourself. The responsibilities of work and family are important, but it is also essential to devote some time to have fun and relax, through friends and sports, for example.
- Pay close attention to any sign of negative moods, such as stress, depression, distress or anger. It is best to act in time to prevent these moods from degenerating.