People who know how to truly love their partner have these 5 behaviors

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 17, 2019

People who know how to truly love their partner have these 5 behaviors

If you think that the art of loving someone is an innate instinct, according to the writer and philosopher Erich Fromm, you are totally mistaken.

According to him, knowing how to love is, in fact, a capacity that is learned and refined with time, through constant work on oneself.

To be consumed by feelings of hot and passionate love does not absolutely ensure the success of a relationship. Indeed, to create a solid and lasting love relationship, it must be "seasoned" with other values and other feelings that are just as important as passion.

Below, we have listed five behaviors, that clearly distinguish the people who have learned the fine art of loving from those who have not.




  • 1. They know how to show respect. Trying to change a person absolutely does not mean that you love your partner. It is true that a love relationship can lead us to improve, but it must be a voluntary process. A partner who truly loves, naturally respects the other person, gives them their space, and also loves their faults. 
  • 2. They cultivate dialogue. If in a relationship the partners stop talking and discussing things then their days together, as a couple, are numbered. Every break begins with a small silence, which then becomes bigger and bigger and less and less thoughts, desires, and problems are shared ... until one day they discover that they are basically strangers living under the same roof. 
  • 3. They are patient. A natural consequence of respect is patience. Living with a person does not mean just experiencing the positive aspects, but also those that are annoying or negative, which over time can wear out our tolerance. But when you love with awareness, letting yourself become angry makes no sense.


  • 4. They are trustworthy. This is not trivial talk about trust in relation to cheating, but trusting in the fact that our partner will always want the best for us. In life, there will always be moments of crisis, in which the credibility of one of the partners could be questioned, and in these moments, it is essential that the couple know how to be united, and supportive, without any further aggression towards each other. 
  • 5. They share, always. If on the one hand, in a lasting relationship, there is a tendency for partners to have separate interests --- and certainly spending time alone is vital for the well-being of the relationship. However, on the other hand, it is essential not to foster total independence. Even if there are children, work, and a thousand other distractions, couples must always try to carve out moments of personal sharing. After all, to love means mainly to be there, each one for the other. 

Love is certainly not simple. Many people think that it is enough to fall in love, start a love relationship, and it will proceed on its own ... But that's just the tip of the iceberg! To truly love means to always listen, help, and improve each day.
