Taking care of one's physical appearance is a sign of mental well-being, not superficiality

The care of oneself and one's physical appearance, when it does not become an obsession, is not a bad thing.
Usually, however, we think that those who take care of their physical appearance are superficial people, while those who nourish their intellect and their inner dimension are more intelligent.
Nevertheless, aesthetics and mental well-being are not two separate things at all. In fact, to like one's outward appearance is one of the elements that help to feel good about oneself!
via theguardian.com

To concern one's self about being tidy, looking cared for, and not being overweight is not synonymous with frivolity but means that we care about our well-being. In short, it means to love one's self.
Aesthetic changes give a boost to inner change.
How many times have we heard that a woman who changes her hairstyle is changing something in her life? And that's actually quite right. Often a change in a persons look is an indication that something is going on. Changing one's aesthetic aspect can provide a boost to reinforce an inner change.
Loss of interest in one's physical appearance is a sign of trouble.
Neglecting one's physical appearance is the mirror of some psychological disorders. The most common example is depression, a disease that includes a lack of self-care. Often depressed people look untidy and have no desire to take care of themselves. However, any exaggeration in the opposite direction is also a symptom of something that is not functioning well on the psychological level.
When one's physical appearance becomes an obsession.
In the case of dysmorphophobia (also called body dysmorphic disorder), the subject is greatly restricted in the performance of daily activities due to a physical or imaginary physical defect. The person spends a lot of time worrying about the defect and can eventually undergo many cosmetic surgeries to achieve a presumed perfection. In order not to fall into this trap, it is necessary to maintain a realistic balance between what we can improve and the acceptance of oneself, without being influenced by an external model.
In conclusion, taking care of one's body and personal appearance is synonymous with integral wellbeing: the important thing is not to exaggerate, neither in excess nor in default!