Are you forced to interact with a person who is unpleasant? Here are 5 smart ways to manage the situation ...

Having to deal with people we do not like is inevitable. Therefore, we have to learn how to relate to them in an intelligent way.
Not everyone is to our liking and this happens because we do not think the same way, while at other times it is a question of chemistry and individual sensitivity. Therefore, if we cannot avoid interacting with people we do not like, what can we do?
Normally, when we prefer not to deal with such individuals, we find excuses not to meet with them and when we are forced to do so, we perceive it as a nuisance, to which we reluctantly submit. This, however, is not the right attitude because it creates dissatisfaction and conflicts in the relationship.
There are smarter ways to treat people we do not like. Try to utilize the following five behaviors every time you need to interact with such individuals.

1. Avoid looking them in the eye. While always trying to maintain a polite attitude with those you do not like, it does not mean you have to be enthusiastic in a desperate attempt to make them seem nice. It is not necessary that you behave as if they are lovable people that you like. For example, you cannot avoid looking them in the eye. In addition, try to put limits on your time together with them and, when it is inevitable, talk to them without arrogance but also without being excessively polite.
2. Do not try to seem to be nice. An intelligent way to relate to people we do not like is just to be natural. Do not exaggerate with trying to appear to be nice to prevent the person in question from noticing our aversion to them. Do not pretend, because trying to simulate a sympathy that in reality is not there, actually makes it even more obvious. It is preferable to have a superficial conversation, without giving more information than necessary and ending the dialogue as soon as possible.
3. Always be polite and well-mannered. We have said that it is not necessary to pretend sympathy if it is not there. However, it is important to always to be polite and to display good manners. There is no need to be rude, unkind, and aggressive. Treating people you do not like with good manners will avoid conflicts and discussions and you will not have any reasons to speak with them more than what is absolutely necessary.
4. Use an alternative means of communication. Today, with technology, it is not necessary to talk in person with everyone. If you need to talk to someone you do not like, use alternative channels like chat lines, social media or email. These are very useful tools because, in written communication, it is easier to keep calm and to have time to think about your answers without showing your dislike.
5. Focus on yourself. Do not allow people you do not like to complicate your life. Better to just ignore them. If you continue to frequently think about how to deal with someone you do not like, you are already giving them too much attention. Focus on yourself, proceed on your own path, and continue to grow as a person.
Remember: Unless the person in question is part of an environment you often frequent, then being diplomatic is usually the most convenient choice.