Surround yourself with people who make you feel good, or who at least do not upset you!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

February 03, 2019

Surround yourself with people who make you feel good, or who at least do not upset you!

If you are tired of having to deal with negative people, who do not help you grow, who hold you back when it is time to move on and who cannot be pleased about your achievements, then change your world. 

If you have had enough of those who only pretend to want the best for you, but then do not know how to do anything but provide negative judgments and destructive criticism, then to hell with them, because only you know what is best for you. 

Do not be afraid to completely change your life, to say no, and to get away from anyone who makes you suffer instead of having a positive influence on your well-being.




Do not be afraid of what others think of you, of your choices, because only you are the true architect of your happiness. You deserve an extraordinary life, you deserve to meet good people who can encourage you and transmit positivity. 

You deserve to reach goals and realize dreams, you deserve to have someone who encourages you and supports you, who does not just tell you that you are wrong, but who helps you to understand why. Embrace those who have the same goals, and be a motivation and a resource for them as they are for you. 

Welcome those who really deserve to share your path, learn from them as they will learn from you. Do not feel guilty in ending a relationship that no longer works, with the passage of time you will understand that it was better this way for everyone concerned. 

Do not feel guilty if you want to receive and not just give and if you want to be loved as you are able to love. Live fully, kiss slowly, cry with all your soul, laugh with all your heart, and love sincerely.



Live your life without thinking about how others would do it, live it because you do not have a spare one, and start living it as soon as possible. Never forget to appreciate yourself every day, to love yourself, to forgive yourself, to accept yourself and to give yourself a second chance. And never forget to appreciate others, those that are worth your affection, those that are worth your time, those that are worth your respect. 

Become the best version of yourself, practice understanding because it is even better than justice, practice compassion because it is smarter than hatred. Become the kind of person with whom you would like to share life, look at the world with friendly eyes because the world will reciprocate your gaze.
