8 details that allow you to recognize a hypocritical person

by Shirley Marie Bradby

February 14, 2019

8 details that allow you to recognize a hypocritical person

In life, not everything is as it appears - especially when someone does not want to show themselves for what they really are. Unfortunately, many people pretend to be someone who they are not, and often successfully.

Consequently, it can happen that people believe that they are in the company of someone who they thought was a friend when instead they are nothing but a hypocrite. 

It hurts to discover the true nature of these people, particularly when there is a connection; but it is essential to reveal who they really are, in order to be able to set things straight before the relationship deepens. 

Here are some signs to recognize a hypocritical person.

via psychologytoday.com

Charlie Marshall/flickr

Charlie Marshall/flickr

  • 1. TALKING TOO MUCH. A hypocritical person loves to fill our ears with words, but in reality, they never actually do anything. On the contrary, those who are honest always accomplish what they have promised to do, without needing to use so many words. 
  • 2. BRAGGING. A hypocrite loves to be in the spotlight whenever possible so that they can exalt - and exaggerate -- their accomplishments. Conversely, an authentic person does not boast about their own achievements. 
  • 3. TRYING TOO HARD TO PLEASE OTHERS. A person is often hypocritical because they do not want to show themselves for what they are, fearing, deep down, that they are not enough. Therefore, they endeavor to be lovable. Real people, on the other hand, do not want to please anyone. 
  • 4. ALWAYS SEEKING ATTENTION. Almost every action of a hypocrite aims to recall the attention and admiration of others on themselves, which, on the contrary, an honest person is in no way interested in obtaining.
 John Noonan/unsplash

John Noonan/unsplash

  • 5. RESPECTS ONLY POWER. A hypocrite pretends to be what they are not for personal gain, and people with power usually have a greater ability to help them reach their objective. Instead, an honest person respects everyone equally.
  • 6. CRITICIZES OTHERS WHILE PRETENDING TO BE BETTER. A hypocritical person typically also has the defect of loving to criticize others. In contrast, authentic people do not behave in this manner, because when they praise someone, it is because they sincerely admire them.
  • 7. GOSSIPS CONSTANTLY. A hypocrite judges others, especially behind their back because by putting someone else in a bad light, they believe to make themselves look better. Honest people instead openly and sincerely express their opinions.
  • 8. HELPS ONLY TO GET SOMETHING IN RETURN. A hypocrite pretends to be concerned, but their only goal is to further their own agenda. A sincere person, instead, helps others without expecting anything in return. 

Being authentically oneself is the only way to live well with oneself and others. Therefore, we hope that these tips will get you started on your way to better understanding those around you. 
