4 kinds of toxic people you're probably better off not letting into your life

There are people who are everyone's friend and who have lots of acquaintances, but the truth is that it would be better to carefully select the individuals we allow to enter our lives.
Why? The reason is simple --- There are some types of people who only do evil.
Here are the four types of people you should remove from your life immediately. Or at least keep a certain distance from them, and if you cannot completely remove them, then restrict interacting with them to only what is absolutely necessary.
via huffpost.com

It is true that every person can contribute something to our life, but many of them contribute only in a negative way. They are those who do not enrich our existence with something positive and constructive and often do not allow us to fully realize ourselves. Here is who they are:
- People who continually lie to you
No one is 100% sincere, and we are all aware that there are lies told for the good but also that there are lies with more serious consequences than others. But if in your life, you have a person who has transformed lying into a lifestyle, and who continually lies to you, the only reasonable thing to do is to distance yourself from them.
- People who disrespect you
Lack of respect is a serious mental attitude that should never be tolerated. Whoever does not respect you, does not deserve you. Their lack of respect hurts, makes you feel guilt and shame and, very often, can degenerate into emotional manipulation. A person like that will not bring anything positive to your existence, therefore, it would be better to end this harmful relationship.

- People who use you
Everyone in life needs someone, both on a practical and emotional level because we cannot do everything ourselves. But there are people who enter our lives only for their own personal interests, to satisfy their selfish needs or to secure a material advantage. They are the type of people who say they love us, but they only love us to the extent that we can satisfy their needs. We have to remove these people from our lives and we can do this by simply not giving them what they want from us. They will leave us of their own accord to look for someone else to use.
- People who do not appreciate you
It may be difficult to accept, but many people around you do not appreciate you. People who are part of our lives should feel lucky and thankful because we share with them what we are and our lives. But many do not know how to give value to this. If a person enters your life, they should do it because they like you and because they find something that is worthy of appreciation in you. If this is not the case, then there is nothing left to do but to distance yourself from them.
We absolutely do not need these four kinds of people. Do not have any regrets or fears about distancing yourself from them because you will have much more time and energy to devote to those who will bring smiles, joy, respect, and gratitude to your life. We deserve better, always!