Walking stimulates creativity and eliminates the aches and pains of the body and mind

by Shirley Marie Bradby

February 24, 2019

Walking stimulates creativity and eliminates the aches and pains of the body and mind

The simple habit of walking every day for at least half an hour has beneficial effects on both the body and the mind.

It may seem commonplace, but there are several scientific bases that confirm its effectiveness.

In fact, movement in itself is healthy for the body, and the act of walking is practically within everyone's reach; no equipment is needed nor does it require a particularly intense commitment.

The great therapeutic power of walking affects positively disorders that are becoming more and more common such as depression, anxiety, and stress.

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Sedentary life or the overly intensive pace of modern life impose patterns that the body and the mind perceive as unnatural.

Because of the daily routine, the brain begins to work with automatic mechanisms, progressively decreasing its capacity to be attentive and lucid. The problem is the lack of stimuli and the lack of motivation, to which the nervous system reacts by reducing the number of neuronal connections and synapses.

In a nutshell, we become "slower", lethargic, and we discover we also have memory deficits because in reality we no longer need to use it. The human being is called a "perfect machine", but a human being is not a machine. In fact, being trapped in the repetitiveness of everyday activities is a risk to our physical and emotional health.

Fortunately, the solution is at hand, or rather "on foot", that is to say, to go out walking, preferably in the middle of nature. The action of walking frees the mind, reactivates creativity, reduces pressure and releases accumulated tension.

Maybe we will not immediately realize what and how many benefits we are receiving just from walking, but soon we will find ourselves more serene and active.

Walking stimulates creativity and eliminates the aches and pains of the body and mind - 2

When you walk, in fact, the brain has time to regenerate, the body releases the hormones of well-being, which stimulates good humor and optimism.

Finding a more positive state of mind is useful for getting out of those suffocating conditions in which there seems to be a black cloud hanging over your head.

In most cases, people are confined to small spaces, from their home to the office, from the gym to the supermarket, which also affects the mind and quality of life. 

Walking in a forest, on the beach or in the mountains is an act of love towards ourselves, the resumption of contact with a deep and immense dimension, in which the inner self feels free to soar and expand. The proof is in the pudding!
