Patience and silence can be a sign that you are an emotionally strong person

Silence and patience are two sides of the same coin, two behavioral attributes that if properly cultivated and combined can help us live better and make our actions more effective.
Many people - the most fortunate - are already born with these inclinations, but others must learn to implement them, through a process of working on themselves and an analysis of their life experiences.
Let's see what are the characteristics of these two beneficial attitudes.

Being patient means to possess a great virtue, a rare quality and that even more rarely can be learned or applied when needed. In life, no result is guaranteed, often things go contrary to our desires, but this does not mean that by knowing how to wait, that those same situations cannot change in our favor.
Patience is the ability not to surrender, being calm and accepting what happens, so you can be clear-headed enough to react and implement the appropriate countermeasures. Only with time can one learn to wait, and then to seize the right moment to act.
People who are in a hurry often think that they have missed the last train when in reality it is the train that is late. It may sound strange but it takes time to recover what one has lost, you just need to have the courage to wait for your moment and to never stop hoping.

Being silent does not mean not giving voice to your opinion, but simply understanding when it is time to remain silent. Silence is the pause that allows us to listen to others, and that then gives us the right to speak when our turn has arrived. Silence is a discrete form of respect, and it is also a way to express complicity.
Often when you are with a stranger and there is too much silence you are led to say something because you feel uncomfortable. On the other hand, when there is familiarity and understanding, you do not even need to say a word, just be present and enjoy the pleasure of being together, united by a deep and invisible bond.
Silence is also a gift because it gives us the opportunity to observe everything that surrounds us, from things to people, from nature to our interior life.
Patience and silence, two sides of the same coin, that help us to develop our personality and become better individuals.