Children do not need a perfect mother, but a happy mother

Becoming a mother means taking on one of the most demanding and important roles in one's life.
As a mother, you take on numerous responsibilities and strive to have the answers to the countless doubts that fill your mind every day - or at least you try.
It is impossible to fulfill such a task in an impeccable manner, and without making mistakes. In fact, there is no universal formula to being a good mother, but each is in her own way, with her child, from whom she learns, as well as teaches.
Trying to be a perfect mother is not only unrealistic but is actually counterproductive, because it leads to frustration and prevents you from enjoying the beauty of motherhood.

Sometimes, we demand the maximum from ourselves, and in the attempt to pursue perfection, we stifle our spontaneity and prevent ourselves from learning from our mistakes.
The task of every mother should be to contribute to the formation of their children, in an environment characterized by love and respect, so that children can learn and be happy.
However, we forget that children learn a lot through the example we show them. And this means that if the mother is satisfied with herself and her life, she will be able to teach her children to be happy.
A mother should first feel comfortable in her role as a mother, have confidence in herself and in her instinct: only in this way can she establish a genuine, direct, and deep connection with her child.

No child needs a perfect mother because a child also learns by experimenting and, therefore, making mistakes. There are mothers who often impose on themselves to be the best mother, more than anything else to show others that they are capable of being a good mother.
Instead, the only person, a mother should impress with her talents is her child, who will, in any case, be charmed by a merry, happy mother, at peace with herself and others. This is a mother who has not stopped discovering and realizing herself only because she has become a mother, but who considers this magnificent experience only a part of who she is, and does not give up on developing the others.
A mother is, in fact, also a woman, a friend, a sister, a wife, an artist, a worker, and anything else that makes her spirit vibrate and move her body. It is very important that mothers do not forget this, in order to be happy and to make their children happy, too.