The father abandons them five days after she gives birth: a few years later they teach the world the value of love

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 02, 2019

The father abandons them five days after she gives birth: a few years later they teach the world the value of love

The love of a mother for her children is unique and special and is able to break down all barriers, overcoming obstacles of indifference, and mountains of prejudice.

It is a love that aims straight for the heart; because a mother sees with eyes full of love, and it could not be any other way. 

And thus, extraordinary stories happen that keep the flame of hope burning within us as we continue to believe in the goodness and greatness of our fellow human beings.

Consequently, we are inspired by people like Stephanie and her daughter Hanna Grace, who, with Down's syndrome, has illuminated her mother's life.

Published by Paperdolls Photography on Sunday, 24 February 2019

Stephanie Mullowney was a carefree girl who was couch-surfing in Maui, Hawaii; when suddenly her life changed dramatically.

It happened when, pregnant, she returned to her hometown, in Tennesse, to give birth. On the day she gave birth to her daughter Hannah Grace, the world became tinted with completely different colors.

Nothing could prepare her for that throbbing bundle that, for the first time lying on her breast, looked up at her with her almond-shaped eyes, seeing in her mother all her universe; and it was love at first sight for Stephanie.


Posted by Paperdolls Photography on Friday, 4 March 2016

She understood that that daughter was a gift from God "Yes, my beautiful child, I knew you were an angel, see, when Jesus made you, he gave you something very rare, it's a gift for this world, even though some might not realize it."

The gift of which Stephanie speaks is an extra copy of chromosome 21, and Stephanie asks "How is it that God has packed so much love into that microscopic chromosome?", but she knows the reason. It is to teach others to love unconditionally.

Published by Paperdolls Photography on Saturday, 3 September 2016

However, their life together did not start out in a simple way, in fact, immediately after birth, Hannah was diagnosed with three holes in her heart and possible leukemia.

For Stephanie, it was a heavy blow, she was terrified; moreover, five days after the birth of their daughter, the father left both of them. He was afraid too, but unlike Stephanie, he saw no gift in his daughter.

For Stephanie, this was instructive: "He taught me that while some people are born with different abilities, others choose to favor disabilities with which they were not born, and he chose a blind heart." 

But Stephanie and Hannah were not alone: her family helps them, and her Aunt Anita accompanies them to every oncologist and cardiologist's appointment. Without a job, Stephanie maintained herself thanks to her family's help and to a government program. And it was a very difficult period, in which she hid her tears from her little baby girl so that her daughter would not question her mother's strength.

This pooch better live forever because Hannah Grace sure loves her

Pubblicato da Paperdolls Photography su Domenica 22 gennaio 2017

"This pooch better live forever because Hannah Grace sure loves her!"

Published by Paperdolls Photography on Sunday, 22 January 2017

Therefore, with determination, Stephanie builds a new life for herself and her daughter. And they move to a small farm, that becomes their home, even if they initially sleep on a mattress on the floor.

Then one day at work, her boss, looking at the hundreds of photos that Stephanie had taken of her daughter with her iPhone, advises her to go and buy a serious camera, because "you have talent".

So Stephanie takes his advice, and shortly thereafter; she decides to create her own website where she can publish her photos, talk about her life with her daughter, and sensitizing society about Down's syndrome through her "Paperdolls Photography".

It is March 2016 and less than a week after publishing her first collection - "American Beauty" - Stephanie receives calls and emails from the United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada from people interested in her work; at the age of two Hannah Grace makes her TV debut and soon Stephanie becomes a photographer known all over the world.

Yes, I kiss her feet...simply bc she wanted me too <3

Pubblicato da Paperdolls Photography su Martedì 13 febbraio 2018

"Yes, I kiss her feet...simply bc she wanted me too! <3"

Published by Paperdolls Photography on Tuesday, 13 February 2018

But her most beautiful work, the masterpiece of her life, remains her daughter, her marvelous Hannah Grace. Only she manages to give Stephanie, with her smiles, infinite love and joy, every day - and Stephanie will never stop being grateful to God for this unexpected and extraordinary gift from heaven

Sources: Facebook Website
