She is the oldest bodybuilder in the world: She is 80 years old, but don't call her grandmother

Many times, too many times we have set out to pursue a goal then, as time passes, our desire to accomplish this goal became weaker and weaker to the point of getting lost in the maze of our unavoidable daily commitments.
And then, later looking back, we realize with a bit of regret that we failed in a promise or challenge we had made with ourselves, due to thinking it was too late to try again.
If you have ever felt this way, the story of Ernestine Shepherd probably will make you think again about the possibility of realizing your dreams, no matter your age. In fact, she made her dream come true after she was almost 60 years old.
Ernestine lives in Baltimore and is now one of the greatest and most famous female bodybuilders, also in terms of her birth age. In fact, she is now 80 years old but continues to participate in competitions and marathons, especially thanks to her formidable physical appearance. Now, she has a sculpted body but that has not always been this case.
In fact, for most of her life Ernestine did not pay much attention to sports or physical exercise, indeed, she did not like physical activity, at all. The turning point in her life came much later when many people would say, it was time to surrender or give up.
However, at 56 years of age, Ernestine decided, together with her sister to get back into shape. So the two enrolled in an aerobics class and, slowly, they became more and more passionate, and even started participating in aerobic competitions.
In 2010, Ernestine entered the Guinness World Records book, as the oldest female bodybuilder in the world.
Moreover, her days are still programmed and structured very tightly. She wakes up every day at 3 am, then does a meditation session, followed by jogging.
It is at 8 am that the actual physical training begins, which continues until the evening.
Obviously, Ernestine also pays close attention to her dietary regime which consists mainly of rice, chicken breast, cereals, eggs, and chestnuts, washed down with a generous amount of water.
Ernestine confidently says that everyone can start taking care of their bodies at any age, and since she is the one saying this, we cannot help but to believe her. And let's bet that some of you will not postpone going to the gym for another year!?
Source: Facebook