14 quotes by Robin Williams that make us reflect on some important aspects of life

by Shirley Marie Bradby

April 03, 2019

14 quotes by Robin Williams that make us reflect on some important aspects of life

Defined as an "eclectic and brilliant actor", Robin Williams was above all was one of the most popular actors, loved for his positive, human, and very real characters. Many of his films are successful films, which his presence definitely contributed to making them.

In 1998, he finally won an Oscar for Best Actor for playing the psychologist Sean McGuire in "Good Will Hunting"; but surely many will also remember him in one of his most recent roles, as the wax statue of President Theodore Roosevelt in "A Night at the Museum".

Unfortunately, he committed suicide on 11 August 2014, following the diagnosis of a serious neurodegenerative disease. However, his figure as an actor will remain forever in the hearts of all those who have seen and loved his films. Here are some of his most famous quotes.

Eva Rinaldi/wikimedia

Eva Rinaldi/wikimedia

  • 1. "No matter what people tell you, words, and ideas can change the world." 
  • 2. "Winning an Oscar is an honor, but between you and me, it doesn't make things easier."
  • 3. "I used to think that the worst thing in life was ending up alone, not so, the worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel lonely." 
  • 4. "You are only given a little spark of madness, you must not lose it." 
  • 5. "The essential truth is that sometimes you are worried that they will discover that it is a stroke of luck, that you don't really have it: you have lost the muse or - the worst terror - you never had it."


  • 6. "Comedy is an injection of optimism." 
  • 7. "Spring is nature's way of saying: Let's party!"
  • 8. "I'm sorry, if you were right, I would agree with you."
  • 9. "Sometimes, thinking about the films I've made and they didn't go very well - I thought "Why did you do it?" But in the end, I can't regret them because I met extraordinary people, there was always something worthwhile."
  • 10. "Never argue with a bad person, they have nothing to lose."


  • 11. "Medicine, law, economics, engineering, these are noble and necessary pursuits to sustain life, but poetry, beauty, romance, love: this is what we remain alive for." 
  • 12. "You will have bad times, but they will always wake you up to things you have not paid attention to." 
  • 13. "Good people end up in hell because they can't forgive themselves." 
  • 14. "Cocaine is the way God tells you, you're making too much money."