I am tired and my body sleeps, but my soul finds no rest

A mother rarely has free time to devote to herself, to relax, to turn off her brain and not to think about anything: there is work, and then children, her spouse, the house, and each one requires her attention and energy.
Thus, a woman becomes accustomed to always being on the move, to juggling a thousand tasks in an attempt to satisfy everyone; and inevitably, she tends to overlook whatever can be postponed - often this includes her own needs.
However, this behavior, in the long run, only degenerates the situation and compromises her emotional health. Instead, it is very important not to repress one's needs, one's feelings, because if a mother is not well, her children will not be happy either, and the whole family collapses.
It is important to take note of this situation, but to do this and to intervene, we must first learn to recognize the signs of our own emotional fatigue.
via healthline.com
How to recognize emotional fatigue

- 1. If someone asks you for advice on how to solve their problems, you don't know what to answer because you don't even know how you feel.
- 2. For a few seconds, your heart beats as if it wants to explode, filled by an intensity of emotions, and the second after --- all is silent inside you, and you don't feel anything anymore.
- 3. You always feel a sense of exhaustion, physical and mental, and you are unable to sustain even light physical exercise.
- 4. You feel alone, even if your spouse is with you, your sister is coming, and your parents live nearby. In fact, you think no one can really understand you.
- 5. Thinking about the future makes you anxious, triggering panic because you live daily with an acute sense of insecurity.

- 6. Even if you sleep, you cannot relax and rest and in the morning you feel terrible. When you fall asleep, you have nightmares or very intense dreams.
- 7. Nothing seems to fill you with joy, not even the embrace of your children, and you don't want to be touched, because you just want to be left alone and not have to think about anything or anyone.
If this is how you feel, you should admit that there is a problem that needs to be addressed. Do not shut yourself off from others. Open up -- with your husband, your family, or get some professional help - so that you can start once again giving some attention to yourself. Before being a mother and wife, you are a woman, a human being with desires and dreams to be realized. Rediscover them and live them!