22 adorable dogs that will succeed in infusing you with a good mood

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 31, 2019

22 adorable dogs that will succeed in infusing you with a good mood

All those who are lucky enough to have a dog in their lives know perfectly how much joy, affection, and good humor these fantastic furry friends can give, with their presence and their affectionate habits - and their mess ups (!), that are more or less involuntary.

In any case, knowing that someone is anxiously waiting for you at home, with a big smile on their muzzle and a tail wagging with happiness can really turn a bad day around.

For those who do not have this good fortune, we share these photos with you so they can also infuse you with love and joy, perhaps even convincing you to adopt a dog! ;)

1. As a good parent, he takes care of every type of newborn, even those that are not his own!

1. As a good parent, he takes care of every type of newborn, even those that are not his own!



 2. He really would like to help his owner in his arduous task, but he is just too tired!

 2. He really would like to help his owner in his arduous task, but he is just too tired!

unknown user/ imgur

3. These two bosom buddies give each other a hug!

3. These two bosom buddies give each other a hug!


4. Sometimes these furry friends are the best baby sitters!

4. Sometimes these furry friends are the best baby sitters!

unknown user/ imgur

5. It's bath time!

5. It's bath time!



6. A dog and kitten ... who said they can't be friends?

6. A dog and kitten ... who said they can't be friends?


7. This golden retriever saved his owner from hypothermia and freezing to death, by lying on him and licking his hands and face.

7. This golden retriever saved his owner from hypothermia and freezing to death, by lying on him and licking his hands and face.

unknown user/ imgur


8. A true friend does not abandon you in difficult moments

8. A true friend does not abandon you in difficult moments


9. A dog is also a great traveling companion and sometimes a cat, too! :)

9. A dog is also a great traveling companion and sometimes a cat, too! :)



10. As a true "gentleman", he helps women carry their bags!

10. As a true "gentleman", he helps women carry their bags!


11. "Hey handsome, bug off, the blonde is with me!"

11. "Hey handsome, bug off, the blonde is with me!"



12. What's this dog's specialty? Hugs on two legs!

12. What's this dog's specialty? Hugs on two legs!


13. A true mascot!

13. A true mascot!



14. The love and affection of one's dog is a powerful healing therapy!

14. The love and affection of one's dog is a powerful healing therapy!


15. Guess who's waiting for you?

15. Guess who's waiting for you?



16. How to win his heart? By rubbing his belly, of course!

16. How to win his heart? By rubbing his belly, of course!


17. A love that is impossible to divide

17. A love that is impossible to divide


18. While waiting for chow time, may as well take a nap!

18. While waiting for chow time, may as well take a nap!


19. A very unusual tennis coach!

20. Impossible to leave without your best friend

21. Two art lovers pay homage to Michelangelo!

22. Two cuddling companions

Don't you feel better after seeing all these sweet and loving dogs? We bet they were able to make you smile! But, on the other hand, that is no surprise! It's their specialty!
